I applied my genetic programming implementation to three different nonlinear systems: a simple polynomial model, a damped pendulum, and a nonlinear system containing the tangent function. All three were two-dimensional, so that the returned function could be plotted.
The parameter settings used in the tests were as follows:
The results, in general, were good, if uncertain. There were more false positives that I would have liked. In most cases, convergence was faster than I expected.
The functions produced were sometimes too complicated to analyse;
therefore, many of the results are graphed.
Figures 5-10 show graphs of some of the
functions produced by the tests. Each figure shows four graphs. In
each figure, the graph on the top-left plots the returned function
, which is hopefully a Lyapunov function. Next to it, the graph
on the top-right plots
; this plot makes it easy
to see where
. The graph on the bottom-left plots
. Next to it, the graph on the bottom-right plots
, to make it easy to see where
. We want both graphs on the right to be flat.
Needless to say, because of the granularity of the plots, it is possible that there are regions that cross the plane but are missed by the plotting, especially near zero. In fact, I noted such missed details a few times when examining the returned function for simple systems. For most systems, absolute proof of these functions' Lyapunovness requires painstaking algebraic or numerical analysis.