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Ath  = Throttle plate open area
b  = Wingspan
c  = Length of mean aerodynamic chord
[C]  = Direction cosine matrix representing aircraft orientation
Cij  = Components of the direction cosine matrix
CD  = Discharge coefficient of the engine throttle
CT  = Propeller coefficient of thrust
CP  = Propeller coefficient of power required
CX, CY, etc.  = Nondimensional force and moment coefficients
\(C_{X_\alpha}, C_{Y_\beta}, \textrm{etc.}\)  = Stability derivatives and/or polynomial coefficients
D  = Propeller diameter
e0, e1, e2, e3  = Quarternions representing aircraft orientation
Ff  = Forward friction force exerted on a landing gear tire
Fn  = Ground normal force exerted on a landing gear tire
Fs  = Sideward friction force exerted on a landing gear tire
(F/A)  = Fuel to air mixture ratio
g  = Acceleration of gravity $\approx 32.2$ ft/s
h  = Altitude
h  = Distance from the ground
Ip  = Propeller polar moment of inertia
Ixx, Iyy, Izz  = Aircraft moments of inertia
Ixy, Ixz, Iyz  = Aircraft products of inertia
J  = Propeller advance ratio
L, M, N  = Components of the resultant moment on the airplane
m  = Mass of the airplane
mf  = Fuel mass
\(\dot m_{th}\)  = Mass flow rate past the throttle
M  = Mach number
N  = Propeller/engine angular speed, revolutions per second
p  = Outside air pressure
pm  = Manifold pressure
P  = Power required by propeller
Pe  = Excess power delivered to the propeller
p, q, r  = Components of aircraft angular velocity
\(\overline p, \overline q, \overline r\)  = Nondimensional components of aircraft angular velocity
q  = Dynamic pressure
Qp  = Resultant torque on the propeller
r  = Distance from the Earth's center
R  = Gas constant of the air $\approx 1716$ (ft lb)/(slug  \ensuremath{^\circ}R)
S  = Wing planform area
T  = Thrust force
T  = Outside air temperature
Tm  = Manifold temperature
u, v, w  = Components of aircraft velocity
ua, va, wa  = Wind-relative components of aircraft velocity
ug, vg, wg  = Components of the velocity of a landing gear tire
V  = Airspeed
Vk  = Threshold velocity for static friction
Vd  = Total displacement of the engine
Vm  = Volume of the intake manifold
X, Y, Z  = Components of the resultant force on the aircraft
x, y, z  = Coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system
xc, yc, zc  = Coordinates of the aircraft's CG
xg, yg, zg  = Coordinates of the bottom of an extended landing gear tire
xs  = Distance of the screen from user's eyes
zp  = Body z-coordinate of the propeller shaft
\(\alpha\)  = Angle of attack
\(\beta\)  = Angle of sideslip
\(\beta\)  = Compressibility correction factor
\(\gamma\)  = Specific heat ratio of the air $\approx 1.4$
\(\delta_a\)  = Differential aileron deflection
\(\delta_b\)  = Percent of full brake pressure applied
\(\delta_e\)  = Elevator deflection
\(\delta_f\)  = Flap deflection
\(\delta_n\)  = Leading-edge flap deflection
\(\delta_r\)  = Rudder deflection
\(\eta_p\)  = Propeller efficiency
\(\eta_v\)  = Volumetric efficiency of the engine
\(\Theta\)  = Pitch Euler angle
\(\theta\)  = Longitude
\(\mu_s,\mu_k\)  = Static and kinematic coefficients of friction of tires
\(\rho\)  = Outside air density
\(\Phi\)  = Roll Euler angle
\(\phi\)  = Geodetic latitude
\(\phi'\)  = Geocentric latitude
\(\Psi\)  = Yaw Euler angle

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Carl Banks