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General Hodograph Equation

We begin by assuming inviscid, irrotational, isentropic, steady, two-dimensional flow. The flow is not necessarily incompressible. Because of the irrotationality condition, there exists a velocity potential $\phi$; and the steam function $\psi$, is everywhere perpendicular. That is, $\phi_x=\psi_y$ and $\phi_y=-\psi_x$.

In this derivation, the velocity vector ($\vec V$) is represented by its magnitude (V) and direction ($\theta$). This is simpler, in this case, than representing velocity by its components.

The stream function and velocity potential are functions of x and y, therefore the total differentials are:

$\displaystyle d\phi$ = $\displaystyle \phi_x\,dx+\phi_y\,dy=V(\cos\theta\,dx+\sin\theta\,dy)$ (1)
$\displaystyle d\psi$ = $\displaystyle \psi_x\,dx+\psi_y\,dy=\rho V(-\sin\theta\,dx+\cos\theta\,dy)$ (2)

The stream function and velocity potential can also be considered functions of V and $\theta$:

$\displaystyle d\phi$ = $\displaystyle \phi_V\,dV+\phi_\theta\,d\theta$ (3)
$\displaystyle d\psi$ = $\displaystyle \psi_V\,dV+\psi_\theta\,d\theta$ (4)

By eliminating $d\phi$ and $d\psi$ from Equations 1-4, we can get the total differentials dx and dy:

dx = $\displaystyle x_V\,dV + x_\theta\,d\theta$ (5)
dy = $\displaystyle y_V\,dV + y_\theta\,d\theta$ (6)

xV = $\displaystyle \frac1V\left(\phi_V\cos\theta-
\frac1\rho\psi_V\sin\theta\right)$ (7)
$\displaystyle x_\theta$ = $\displaystyle \frac1V\left(\phi_\theta\cos\theta-
\frac1\rho\psi_\theta\sin\theta\right)$ (8)
yV = $\displaystyle \frac1V\left(\phi_V\sin\theta-
\frac1\rho\psi_V\cos\theta\right)$ (9)
$\displaystyle y_\theta$ = $\displaystyle \frac1V\left(\phi_\theta\sin\theta-
\frac1\rho\psi_\theta\cos\theta\right)$ (10)

By setting $x_{V\theta}=x_{\theta V}$ and $y_{V\theta}=y_{\theta V}$, we can eliminate x and y from Equations 7-10. This results in the following equations:

$\displaystyle \phi_V$ = $\displaystyle V\frac d{dV}\left(\frac1{\rho V}\right)\,\psi_\theta$ (11)
$\displaystyle \phi_\theta$ = $\displaystyle \frac V\rho\,\psi_V$ (12)

We now eliminate $\phi$ by setting $\phi_{V\theta}=\phi_{\theta_V}$. The resulting equation is:

 \begin{displaymath}V\frac d{dV}\left(\frac1{\rho V}\right)\psi_{\theta\theta}=
\frac d{dV}\left(\frac V\rho\right)\psi_V+
\frac V\rho\psi_{VV}
\end{displaymath} (13)

The equation can be simplified more by using Mach number to eliminate $\rho$ from the equations. Using the identity $M^2=\rho
V\frac{d(1/rho)}{dV}$ (which is true for an isentropic flow) the hodograph equation becomes:

\end{displaymath} (14)

Equation 14 is the general equation for the stream function in the hodograph plane. The Mach number is not a function of $\psi$, therefore Equation 14 is linear with non-constant coefficients.

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Carl Banks