We begin by assuming inviscid, irrotational, isentropic, steady, two-dimensional flow. The flow is not necessarily incompressible. Because of the irrotationality condition, there exists a velocity potential ; and the steam function , is everywhere perpendicular. That is, and .
In this derivation, the velocity vector () is represented by its magnitude (V) and direction (). This is simpler, in this case, than representing velocity by its components.
The stream function and velocity potential are functions of x and
y, therefore the total differentials are:
The stream function and velocity potential can also be considered
functions of V and :
By eliminating
Equations 1-4, we can get the total
differentials dx and dy:
By setting
we can eliminate x and y from
Equations 7-10. This results in the following
We now eliminate
by setting
The resulting equation is: