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The polynomial model described above is valid only for Mach numbers
below about 0.3. Compressibility effects become important above Mach
For subsonic flight, before the onset of drag divergence at about Mach
0.7, a simple correction is to divide each force coefficient by a
compressibility correction factor .
For example, the equation
to correct CZ is
The simplest correction is the Prandtl-Glauert factor
(Reference 7, p. 212):
(60) |
This relation is derived for isentropic flow. Most of the time, this
is a reasonable assumption, as the flow around the streamlined
aircraft is mostly isentropic. However, in conditions where isotropy
is dubious (such as advanced stall, where there is substantial
separation, and drag divergence, when shock waves appear), the
correction is not valid.
Carl Banks