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Manifold Pressure Calculation

Equation 65 presents the quasi-static differential equation for manifold pressure % latex2html id marker 1714

 \begin{displaymath}\dot p_m = \frac{2\dot m_{th} RT_m - \eta_v \mathbf{V}_d N p_m}{2
\end{displaymath} (65)

For high speed engines, this equation could be numerically unstable with the simulator's time step size; in such cases, it is appropriate to ignore the transients by setting $\dot p_m$ to zero and solving Equation 65 directly for pm. (Reference 18 reports that the time constant of the Equation 65 is 2 to 4 times the length of an intake stroke. At 2400 RPM, twice the intake stroke is 0.025 seconds. A typical time step size for a flight simulator is 0.01 seconds.)

In Equation 65, the volumetric efficiency $\eta_v$ is only weakly dependent on the manifold pressure; this paper assumes it to be independent of pm. The manifold temperature Tm is assumed known; an adequate estimate is to use outside air temperature. Vd and Vm are constants for the engine, and N is the engine speed. Only $\dot m_{th}$ is left to be determined.

If pm > 0.528p, then the flow is not choked at the throttle. The mass flow rate past the throttle is given by Equation 66 % latex2html id marker 1736

 \begin{displaymath}\dot m_{th} = \frac{C_D A_{th}\rho}{\sqrt{RT}}
\end{displaymath} (66)

The coefficient of discharge CD in Equation 66 is an empirical, engine-dependent parameter, which accounts for the pressure loss due to all of the obstacles in the intake (air filter, throttle, venturi, etc.). It is a function of the engine speed and throttle plate open area. One can obtain a first-order estimate of CD by setting it so that Equation 65 yields the observed manifold pressure drop at steady state with a wide-open throttle at a high engine speed. pth is the pressure at the throttle. It is not clear from Reference 18 how to determine this; however, it seems that, although technically invalid, the manifold pressure is used for pth.

If pm < 0.528p, then the flow is choked at the throttle. In this case, mass flow rate is given by Equation 67 % latex2html id marker 1748

 \begin{displaymath}\dot m_{th} = \frac{C_D A_{th} p}{\sqrt{RT}}\sqrt{\gamma}
\end{displaymath} (67)

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Carl Banks